3いいね 40回再生

Japanese Hot Pot with Seafood 466 kcal

#hotpot #japaneserecipe #seafoodrecipe
Seafood Hot Pot

Ingredients (1 servings)  
4 oz (114 g) napa cabbage
1 oz (29 g) thinly peeled carrot
1 oz (29 g) daikon radish
1/2 shimeji mushroom
1/2 (40 g) salmon
2 shrimp
8 oz (227 ml) Japanese soup stock
・1 Tbsp. soy sauce
・1 Tbsp. mirin
2 oz (57 g) soft tofu
7 oz (200g) boiled udon
a handful of pea sprouts

白菜     114g
にんじん   29g
大根     29g
しめじ    1/2個
鮭      40g
有頭エビ   2尾
だし     227ml
・しょうゆ  大さじ1
・みりん   大さじ1
豆腐     57g