Bozeman Science
Conservation of Matter

Thinking Slides: docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sWVrqQqP-_i9Lo7kwe…
The Wonder of Science: thewonderofscience.com/mlccc54

Thinking in Matter - Level 4 - Conservation of Matter
In this video Paul Andersen shows conceptual thinking in a mini-lesson on the conservation of matter. Two examples are included in the video and two additional examples are included in the linked thinking slides.

Matter - physical substances
Atoms - the basic unit of elements
Conservation - the quantity of a physical quantity remains constant
Processes - a series of actions or events
Chemical - atoms are regrouped into different molecules
Physical - a series of changes through states

This progression is based on the Crosscutting Concept elements from the NRC document A Framework for K-12 Science Education. “Matter is conserved because atoms are conserved in physical and chemical processes.”
Source: www.nextgenscience.org/