Soldier, Poet, King, {Animation Meme REMAKE}

Rendering this took WAY longer than expected lmao-
I've wanted to remake this for a long time, the editing in the original was really sub-par, and I've come a long way since then! Plus hey, it works as a throwback type-thing for a 10 sub special! (THANK YOU FOR THAT BTW I BLOW U ALL A BIG OL KISS!!!)

The characters in order of appearance are; Westford, Birch, and Garen. They belong to my story that's been temporarily named 'Odds & Ends', and is basically just off brand 'The Borrowers'.

Original meme by Gothfrog here:    • Soldier, Poet, King | Original Animat...  

And the song is by the Oh, Hellos here:    • The Oh Hellos: Soldier, Poet, King  

Thank you again for watching!! :^)


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End Credits theme: Toes, By my cool friend Crane whos channel is right here!    / @chilmcsweet7178  

And thank you for actually reading this far!! :0