hololive ホロライブ - VTuber Group

hololive Official Card Game (holoca) is planned for release on September 20.
Ahead of the release, Omaru Polka and La+ Darknesss, both keen on the card game, had a trial match!
As they learn the game mechanics, who will face the punishment?
The cards shown in the video are under development and may differ from those in the final product.
Post your thoughts with #ホロライブカードバトル!


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Be sure to follow and subscribe to your favorite!
[Omaru Polka] youtube.com/@OmaruPolka
[La+ Darknesss] youtube.com/@LaplusDarknesss
[Harusaki Nodoka] x.com/harusakinodoka

Translation: Seele
Translation Check: arc_
Translasi: Akbar Anshori
Pemeriksa Translasi: delphinus
Traducción: BecauseOfReasons
Revisión de traducción: Isara
번역: Rainee
번역 검수: Lamine
Timing: archdeco
Quality Check: T-chan

Production: COVER Corp. STUDIO

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