#Calling_data #call_tracking #leadmanagementsoftware #leadmanagementsystem #lead_management_system
#lead_crm #crm_software #CRM_Lead_Management #crmleadgeneration #crm_lead_generation
Absolute Manufacturing ERP Software is a key to improving the overall efficiency of your organisation. This is a manufacturing management system that increases the organisational competence over how effectively the resources of the company are utilised.
Visit Our Webpage: www.erpabsolute.com/
00:00 Intro
00:14 Go to my calling data tab
00:23 This is my calling data page
00:33 You can Export your data into Excel Formate
00:55 Update your lead by Follow up option.
01:56 Get a Notification In bell Icon option
02:00 Update your lead by save option
02:12 See the Previous history of your lead
02:21 Summary