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¿Querés ser tu PROPIO ESCLAVO? | GIG Economy

La GIG economy está avanzando cada vez más rápido en los EEUU, y Latinoamérica parece seguir sus pasos. Un nuevo modelo industrial que, bajo un discurso de libertad y emprendedurismo, busca promover la precarización de las condiciones laborales como una forma de reducir costos mientras que se despoja al trabajador de sus derechos conquistados. Hoy vamos a hablar de la GIG economy y las implicaciones que esta puede tener para el futuro.

GRIESBACH, K., REICH, A., ELLIOTT-NEGRI, L., & MILKMAN, R. (2019): “Algorithmic control in platform food delivery work”. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 5.
DUGGAN, J., SHERMAN, U., CARBERY, R. (2020): “Algorithmic management and app-work in the gig economy: A research agenda for employment relations and HRM”. Human Resources Management Journal.
GOLDMAN, E (2016): “Anarchy and the S3x Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896–1926”. Oakland, CA: PM Press.
BIEBER, F, MOGGIA, J (2021): “Risk shifts in the Gig economy: The normative case for an insurance scheme against the effects of precarious work”. Journal of Political Philosophy.
DE STEFANO, V. (2016): “The Rise of the ‘Just-in-Time Workforce’: On-Demand Work, Crowdwork and Labour Protection in the ‘gig-Economy’”. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
GRAHAM, M., HJORTH, I., LEHDONVIRTA, V. (2017): “Digital labour and development: Impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods”. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research.
LEHDONVIRTA, V. (2018): “Flexibility in the gig economy: Managing time on three online piecework platforms”. New Technology, Work and Employment.
VAN DOORN, N., FERRARI, F., GRAHAM, M. (2020): “Migration and migrant labor in the Gig economy: An intervention”. SSRN.
WOOD, AJ., GRAHAM, M., LEHDONVIRTA, V. (2019): “Good gig, bad gig: autonomy and algorithmic control in the global Gig economy”. Work, Employment & Society.
ZIEWITZ, M. (2016): “Governing algorithms: myth, mess, and methods”. Science, Technology & Human Values.
POFELDT, E. (2017): "Are We ready For A workforce that is 50% freelance?". Forbes.

00:00 Introducción
02:02 Uberización
05:56 Tiranía algorítmica
09:15 Poder descontrolado
13:12 Conclusión

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