0いいね 11回再生

My Near Death Experience: A Hero's Journey of Resurrection #transformationalhealing #healingjourney

Mold & biotoxin illness broke my brain. In one moment, I went from being able to talk and walk normal to selective mutism and episodes of paralysis, unable to speak or move for hours at a time.

If you have unexplainable chronic illness or symptoms that you can’t pinpoint, get tested for mold and toxins right away!

Details of my full story are in Episode 1 of the Finding Home Healing podcast.

#moldillness #moldillnessrecovery #herosjourney #mentalstrength #healingispossible #innertransformation
#mentalhealth #personalgrowthjourney #overcomingchallenges #neardeathexperience #selfdiscoveryjourney