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TBR jar picks my September reads!🫙💗

TBR jar chooses my September reads! September TBR #booktok #booktube #tbr #september #bookrecommendations

Hi guys!
w e l c o m e to or welcome back to my channel ♡
In today's video I use a TBR jar filled with reading prompts to pick my reads/tbr for September!
T H A N K Y O U F O R W A T C H I N G !

🧸B O O K S T A G R A M - instagram.com/macksbookks
🌷B O O K T O K - www.tiktok.com/@macksbooks
📖G O O D R E A D S - www.goodreads.com/macks_books
💌 A M A Z O N S T O R E F R O N T - www.amazon.com/shop/mackenzie.markiewicz
🍵 A M A Z O N W I S H L I S T - www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/6OIVGVBCWF1Y?ref_=wl…

Email: markiewim9@gma