5413いいね 472900回再生

【炊飯器で簡単!】とろとろ豚の角煮の作り方!焼いて炊飯するだけ!誰でも簡単に作れるご飯が止まらない豚の角煮です!-How to make Braised Pork-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Hello, I'm Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make braised pork that is easy to make in a rice cooker. Just bake and cook! Anyone can easily make it without making mistakes♪ An exquisite pork stew recipe that goes well with rice! It's very delicious, so please try making it.

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[ingredients] (for 4 people)
・500g Pork belly block
・4 Eggs
・1 strain Komatsuna
・1 Green part of green onion
・20g Ginger
・2 Garlic cloves
・100ml Sake
・400ml Water
・4 tbsp Soy sauce
・3 tbsp Mirin
・1 tbsp Honey
・1 tsp Salt
・1 tbsp Vegetable oil

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🥚Instagram cooking researcher Yukari (@yukari_recipe_0506)

🍳For work requests and inquiries, please contact us here
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"Yukari's Kitchen Easy Recipes at Home"

□Book “Easy to make at home by a cooking expert!” "3 o'clock snack"

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An e-book version is also on sale♪

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#Kakuni #Pork #recipe