I'm not really setting a reading goal for 2023 — I am going my best to avoid thinking of books in terms of numbers. But there are at least 5 philosophy books I plan on reading in the coming year.
→ Thinker
My free newsletter, in which I give weekly analyses of great works of philosophy: jaredhenderson.substack.com/
→ Book Links
Spinoza's Ethics: amzn.to/3PRKYLp
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: amzn.to/3C2vazE
Aristotle's Politics: amzn.to/3hTmtAN
Marcus Aurelius's Meditations: amzn.to/3vl2DBM
Seneca's Letters: amzn.to/3I0o5TV
→ Video Gear
Mic: amzn.to/3Uw7ZVw
Recorder: amzn.to/3Tz1uQp
Camera: amzn.to/3Ust3MT
Lens: amzn.to/3WXbAhd
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