1720いいね 87364回再生

【カバンの中身】長井かおりの抜き打ち?!カバンの中身チェック☝️メイクバッグとはまた別の仕事用のカバンの中身を大公開【What's in my bag?】

When I go out, I get wrinkles around my eyes... My complexion is dull and awful... I'm tired... But... I'm worried about the smell! ? There are lots of products to solve such problems😆😆😆 [A surprise check of the contents of Kaori Nagai's bag] video🩷

To all Kaori Mates~~🩷Thank you for your hard work this week‼ ️Thank you for watching the video this week‼ ️

Director Otani-chan told me before that she would like to introduce the contents of her bag someday... but I completely forgot👀And it was not a makeup bag but a personal bag, so it was completely unexpected😅There was a shoot from morning to night on this day, so I packed almost the full set, and to be honest, it was worth showing you the problem~? lol I said, "You don't really need to show this, do you?" but Otani-chan said, "No, let's show everything!" and the pressure was strong 😂 (I've shown even the smallest details, so please take it easy and enjoy it)

YouTube shoots, beauty shoots for magazines, shoots with actresses, etc. Nagai is always on the move, but he is still human, so when he gets tired, his face gets dull...puffy...tired...Also, at my age, if I don't take measures against dryness during the day all year round, something terrible will happen...😅

I was thinking, "What should I do?" ! "Oh no, I'm in trouble!" I have all kinds of "nice to have" items in my pockets, just like Doraemon's 😚
I should have organized my belongings a little more, so it's rare for me to have three or four lip balms in my bag lol (I'm sure there are some Kaorimates who have multiple of the same thing in their bags, right? I'm sure there is at least one...)

I hope that I can be of help to all you Kaorimates (maybe?)...Did you enjoy this video about what's in your bag? Please let me know in the comments what you always have in your bag 😉I wonder if there are people out there who have the same thing?

The clothes and lip balms I'm wearing in this video are here.
Lips/GUCCI Rouge a Levres Satin Lipstick 208 www.gucci.com/jp/ja/pr/beauty/makeup/lips/208-they…


▼Check out my latest makeup book here! amzn.asia/d/1MNxIYO

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"Kaori Nagai | Chatty Makeup Box" is broadcast every Friday and Saturday from 8pm. I want to share the fun of makeup with more people and solve your beauty worries. I'm currently aiming for 200,000 subscribers, so I'd be happy if you could support me by watching and subscribing!

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