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【王道のプリン】パティシエが教える失敗しない Creme Caramel

I Make a royal pudding regardless of trends.

I use the following equipment and materials
Borosil Vision Glass S

Taylor & College Organic Vanilla Bean Paste 50g

0:00 How to make caramel
2:43 How to make the pudding batter
6:05 How to bake the pudding
9:45 Eating
11:10 Recipe

For 5 puddings
[ Caramel ]
80g sugar
25g hot water

[ Creme Caramel batter]
500g milk
0.25g vanilla paste
125g whole egg
50g egg yolk
120g sugar

Masayoshi's wish list

Music By: Andrew Applepie
Web andrewapplepie.com/
YouTube youtube.com/andrewapplepie/
Patreon www.patreon.com/andrewapplepie/


The above product and other link URLs use Amazon Associates links.

It is natural for a patissier to make a delicious and beautiful cake.
However, I don't think it can compare to a cake made for a loved one with a lot of feeling.
I will teach you how to make a cake for your loved one without fail.

After 8 years of training as a patissier at Hotel New Otani, I became a chef patissier, a factory manager, a lecturer at a vocational school, a contest winner, a product planner, a branding expert, etc. Based on my 26 years of experience as a patissier, I teach how to make sweets.
I worked as a chef patissier at Gramoudies, a macaron brand in Kobe, for five and a half years, and resigned in October 2018 to start working as a freelance patissier.
I am currently working as an advisor to companies, helping them improve their management, product development, store development, and seminars.
In March 2021, I have opened GOLDWELL in Naha, Okinawa.
I love architecture and dancing (on break) at the gym.

Chef Patissier Masayoshi Ishikawa, President, Pierapierre Co.

Instagram page

facebook page

youtube Masayoshi Ishikawa Channel

BLOG Patissier's Guide to No-Fail Sweets

Languages other than Japanese are translated using deepL, etc.