28いいね 324回再生

J.O.R.G.I.A. With autism. Holding Jorgia🐻accountable is the hardest thing I ever have to do🤍🧩🦋😢

🤍💙🧩🦋Autism Awareness💙🤍🦋##ClickJoin #SchoolDay #GoodMorning #BecomeAMember #FullDay #AllSmiles #FamilyLove #SuperThanks #Communication #Independency #VacationOver #FootBallPrincess #TherapyDay #morningroutine #StayingConsistent
#ToothbrushingRoutine #FaceWashingRoutine

To send…..Fan Mail or gifts
Jorgia Toney
6083 N. Figarden Dr. #644
Fresno, Ca. 93722

Click here to become a Member

Click link to join our private online support group jorgias-journey-inc.square.site/

To visit our website to purchase books, for Autism resources or merchandise please click the link below:

Please don’t forget to hit the super thanks button to support our channel. God bless.

Thank you all for watching and for all your wonderful support we are extremely grateful to all of our beautiful fans. The best fans ever!!!!❤️🧩💜🧩♥️💖🧩♥️🧩❤️🧩💜🧩💜