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Akashic Records Initiation | Your Call to Action | Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 14

We gather in delight to re-member, anchor, and activate.

The veils are thin and in this cosmic sh*t storm of 2020 anything can happen. We are gathering on the portal of Samhain and through the season to support each other, stabilize the cosmic bumps, and ensure the smooth ushering in of a new era.

The Akashic Records Initiation is a 3 week experiential journey to access your Akashic Records. Initiations are the path of change allowing the human to elevate (and sustain) to higher frequencies.

Learn to access your Akashic Records
Activate the StarCodes within you!

Visit the Halls of Amenti for past life mastery to stabilize the future
Clear some karma boo, and lighten your darn load

Visit ANDYEMURPHY.COM to sign up.

This is a conscious soul group working together to envision a New Earth. You will feel the call to join us... your soul knows. I'm just happy to love you!

Optional Study Group offered through Patreon:

3 advanced teachings
live Q&As
online community

This will be our final group event of 2020.

Loving you fiercely through the dimensions of transformation since 2008

AndyeMurphy.com - Embody Your Ascension
www.patreon.com/m/luminousmysteries - Online Mystery School
anchor.fm/cosmicmamapodcast - Cosmic Mama Podcast