椒鹽豬扒 Salt and Pepper Pork Chops
材料 Ingredients
豬扒 2件 / 2 pork chops
蔥 1札 / 1 brunch scallion
紅尖椒 1 隻 / 1 red pepper
蒜頭 3瓣 / 3 cloves garlic
豆瓣醬 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon chilli bean sauce
五香粉 半茶匙 / 1/2 teaspoon five spice powder
胡椒粉 適量 / ground white pepper, to taste
鹽 1/6茶匙 / 1/6 teaspoon salt
砂糖 半茶匙 / half teaspoon sugar
紹興酒 2茶匙 / 2 teaspoons Shaoxing wine
豬扒醃料 Marinade for pork chops
生抽 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
紹興酒 3湯匙 / 3 tablespoons Shaoxing wine
糖 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon sugar
胡椒粉 適量 / ground white pepper, to taste
水 10毫升 / 10ml water
生粉 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon cornstarch
油 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon cooking oil
做法 Method
1. 用刀背揼鬆豬扒;加入生抽、紹興酒、糖及胡椒粉拌勻。
Use the back of a knife to tenderize the pork chops. Add light soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, sugar and ground white pepper, and mix well.
2. 逐少加水拌勻,再加入生粉及油拌勻醃30分鐘。
Add water bit by bit and mix well, then add cornstarch and oil, mix well and marinate for 30 minutes.
3. 蔥分開蔥白和青蔥,切成蔥花;紅尖椒切粒備用。
Separate the scallions whites from greens and finely chop. Dice the red pepper and set aside.
4. 蒜頭剁末,分成兩份。
Mince the garlic and divide into 2 portions.
5. 鍋中加油,開細火加熱;加入一半蒜末,以細火炸至金黃色,盛起備用。
Add oil to a pot and heat it over low heat. Add 1 portion of minced garlic and fry over low heat until golden brown. Remove and set aside.
6. 在同一鍋中,用炸蒜末餘下的油開中火加熱,待有少許白煙升起,放豬扒以中細火煎至金黃熟透後盛起。
In the same pot with the remaining oil from the fried minced garlic, heat it over medium heat. When smoke emerges, pan-fry the pork chops over medium low heat until golden brown and cooked. Remove and set aside.
7. 炒香蔥白及餘下的蒜末,再加入豆瓣醬、五香粉及胡椒粉炒勻。
Stir-fry the scallion whites and the rest of the minced garlic, then add chilli bean sauce, five spice powder and ground white pepper, and stir-fry thoroughly.
8. 加入鹽及糖炒勻,灒紹興酒炒勻。
Add salt and sugar, keep stir-frying, then add Shaoxing wine, mix well.
9. 豬扒回鍋,加入紅椒及蔥花炒勻至乾身。
Put the pork chops back to the pot. Add the red pepper and scallion greens, and stir-fry until all the sauce is absorbed.
10. 最後撒上炸蒜便完成。
Garnish with the fried garlic to finish.
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