4いいね 134回再生

How to make sandwich with candied chestnuts [Mont Blanc Burger] | 栗の渋皮煮でつくるモンブランバーガー

Hi there! I am Chikako with my 10-year-old son Kei from Japan.(日本語は下記に)
Let me introduce how to make Mont-Blanc burger. Mont-Blanc is popular French pastry in Japan.
You can not stop eating once you start!
Try and Enjoy! This is our 137th video.

Intro 00:00
Recipes 0:14
Outro 06:05

★Candied Chestnuts(500g, 17oz)

500g(17 oz) chestnuts
1 tsp baking soda
200g(7 oz) sugar
300ml (10 fl oz) water for syrup

★Dacquoise for 5pcs(6cm, or2.5 in) in diameter★

50 g (1.7 oz) egg white
35g (1.2 oz) icing sugar
45g (1.6 oz) almond powder
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp icing sugar

100g(3.5oz) Mascarpone cheese
100g candid chestnuts
1 tbsp syrups of candid chestnuts


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