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※超強力!願えば叶う神をご存じですか?江戸時代伊勢参りと並び人気だったのがこの神社【静岡県掛川市 事任八幡宮】【祭神:己等乃麻知比売命 八幡大神 息長帯比売命 玉依比売命 誉田別命】

Shrine in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
This shrine was the highest shrine in the area during the Edo period.

It was introduced in books from the Edo period as a shrine where any wish could come true, and it is said that it was crowded with people who visited it during their travels.

There is also a shrine on the top of the mountain, so I would like you to visit it together.

This is a video of other shrines in Shizuoka Prefecture.
Each shrine has its own beautiful characteristics.
Please come and visit us.

1.Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan - A world like a Ghibli anime

   • ⚠️美しい神社は嫌いですか?美しい庭園を持つ神社の祭神は水の神 瀬織津姫と...  

3.Minamiizu Town, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan - A world like a Ghibli anime

   • 神回!南伊豆の奇跡のご神木⚠️美しき日本武尊と弟橘姫命の伝説が伝わる地!こ...  

4.Matsuzaki Town, Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan - A world like a Ghibli anime

   • ※超強力!断崖絶壁にある珍しい神を祀る神社⚠️神の存在を感じずにはいられな...  

5.Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan - A world like a Ghibli anime

   • ⚠️超強力!瀬織津姫と龍神伝説の残る神の池⚠️桜ヶ池は諏訪湖と地下で繋がる...  

6.Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan A world like a Ghibli anime

   • ⚠️神回!瀬織津姫様生誕の地!瀬織津姫様はあなたの前に現れるか !?⚠️分...  

7.Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan - A world like a Ghibli anime

   • ⚠️肉声解説付き動画は当Chだけ⚠️赤龍と水の神 白龍 2柱の龍神が鎮座す...  

8.Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan - A world like a Ghibli anime

   • ※超強力⚠️富士山がご神体 世界一美しいピンク富士が見られる午前4時の山宮...