0いいね 33回再生

C72【Fish Meister・本気の目利きシリーズ1】 TSUKIJI FISH MARKET Inc by 市場系youtuber疋田拓也Takuya Hikita~白アマダイ・赤アマダイ~





TSUKIJI FISH MARKET Inc.   HP  tsukiji-fish-market.com/


On the other hand, pursuing fish commerce made me realized the crucial problem that common knowledge in Japan is not the same in the world. Then I started thinking the head of Japanese fish market cannot be the head of the International fish market. To extend this topic, many Japanese people only say all the right words, but no actions. From this experience, I strongly believe it’s action, not words that matter.

The world has so much potential! By overlooking Tsukiji Fish Market from outside of Japan, I found that there are many business opportunities. This leads me to think what’s my crucial things, and which are enhancing the Japanese fish industry to compete in the international market. Fish is everything for me. Although the commerce in Tsukiji Fish Market seems very stable, the current market is just relying on the previous system and no growth. Therefore, Japanese fish industry requires a leader who has experience in field and management.

In other words, the individual who knows all aspects of the fish industry, including fishing, processing, distribution, and sales, in order to change and innovate Tsukiji Fish Market. This is the reason why I want to succeed in the business in North America by a firm sense of mission that I want to make Japanese Fish Industry as the best in the world.

☆about Canada business☆
TSUKIJI FISH MARKET Inc.   HP  tsukiji-fish-market.com/