The chicken skin cutlet is crispy and the eggplant is crispy and melty.
The deliciousness of chicken skin and eggplant is on full display. Great for lunch boxes.
I will also explain the sources.
I would be encouraged if you subscribe to the channel.
benimiyama Thank you very much 😄
♦You can watch from anywhere you like.
Please start watching from the delicious part.
00:09 Thank you for always watching.
00:34 I will explain how to prepare and cut chicken skin
01:51 I think this size is good
03:36 I will explain the preparation of eggplant
05:12 I will explain how to make the sauce
05:49 Harissa explained
I will explain the points
06:03 I will explain the batter
I will explain the key points on how to mix.
07:03 How easy is it to make chicken skin?
07:29 I will explain chicken subcutaneous processing and lower clothing.
08:13 I will explain how to add breadcrumbs
09:42 I will explain how to fry
13:27 Bubbles have formed
Another method is to add about 10% sesame oil.
15:16 I will explain the arrangement
16:51 Add sauce and it's done
17:03 Bonus recipe video Chicken skin rice crackers
I will explain
❤ I hope there will be more wonderful things for everyone
We look forward to your comments
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*The relevant sound source is Audiostock
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Thank you for reading to the end
Benimiyama Benimiyama
#Cooking #Cheap #Chicken dishes
#I want to connect with people who love cooking
#home mea