3いいね 29回再生

古早味芋棵 Authentic Taiwanese Savoury Taro Cake

古早味芋棵 Authentic Taiwanese Savoury Taro Cake 

材料 Ingredients
芋頭 200克 / 200g Taro
乾蔥 2粒 / 2 Shallots
冬菇 (細) 4粒 / 4 dried Shiitake Mushrooms (small)
蝦米 2湯匙 / 2 tablespoons Dried Shrimps
糯米粉 140克 / 140g Glutinous rice flour
粘米粉 60克 / 60g Rice flour
生粉 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon Cornstarch
水 170克 / 170g Water 

調味料 Seasoning
生抽 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon Light soy sauce
糖 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon Sugar
胡椒粉 少許 / Ground white pepper, to taste
五香粉 少許 / Five spice powder, to taste
鹽 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon Salt 

做法 Method
1. 乾蔥切片;冬菇浸軟後切細粒;蝦米浸軟後切碎;芋頭去皮切粒。
Slice the shallots. Soak the mushrooms until soft and cut into small pieces. Soak the dried shrimps until soft and finely chop. Peel the taro and cut into cubes. 

2. 加油落鍋,開中火加熱,放入乾蔥、冬菇粒和切碎的蝦米爆香。
Add oil to a pot and heat it over medium heat. Add and sauté the shallot slices, mushroom pieces and chopped dried shrimps until aromatic. 

3. 放入芋頭粒拌炒。
Add the taro cubes and stir-fry. 

4. 加生抽、糖、胡椒粉、五香粉與鹽調味,味道要調得鹹一點,待拌入粉後味道才會剛好。
Season with light soy sauce, sugar, ground white pepper, five spice powder and salt. The taste is meant to be a little saltier. It will be just right after mixing with the dough.

5. 加少許水,蓋上鍋蓋,炆3-4分鐘至芋頭半熟或全熟。
Add a little water, put on the lid and simmer for 3-4 minutes until the taro is half-cooked or fully cooked. 

6. 將糯米粉、粘米粉放入大碗中,加1湯匙生粉拌勻,分2-3次加水揉成粉團。
Put the glutinous rice flour and rice flour into a large bowl, add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and mix together, add water in 2-3 times and knead into a dough. 

7. 炒好的芋頭料與粉糰拌勻至無粉粒。如果芋頭料的汁液太多,記得濾掉部分汁液,以免粉糰太濕黏。
Combine well the cooked taro ingredients with the dough until no rice lumps. If the taro ingredients contain too much juice, remember to drain away some to avoid causing the dough too wet and sticky. 

8. 將拌好的粉糰搓成常見的長形/半月形,在表面掃點油,放在烤焗紙上。
Shape the dough into a long/half-moon shape, brush some oil on the surface, and place on a baking paper.        

9. 鍋內加水,開大火煲至水滾,放入芋粿以中大火隔水蒸20~25分鐘即可。
Add water to a pot and bring it to a boil over high heat. Put the taro cake in and steam on a rack over medium-high heat for 20-25 minutes.