過去十六年裏,郭采潔這個名字,是臺灣流行音樂產業包裝下甜美風的「優格女孩」,是《小時代》裏生人勿近的「女王顧裏」,這些標簽一旦立住,就很難再脫掉。2019年,郭采潔決定停止這一切,隔年一個人搬到北京,靠一點一滴的日常慢慢拾攏自己,有了屬於自己的樂隊Mola Oddity,並在3月發了新的專輯。
Over the past 16 years, Amber Kuo was the sweet Yogurt Girl in Taiwan pop music industry, and then the cold and arrogant Queen Gu Li in the movie Tiny Times. The tags were with her for a long time and hard to get rid of. In 2019, Amber Kuo decided to take a break, and she moved to Beijing the next year. She now has her own band Mola Oddity, and just released a new album in March.
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