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紅燒冬瓜 Braised Winter Melon丨Prime-Living x Saladmaster(2023)

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紅燒冬瓜 Braised Winter Melon

材料 Ingredients
冬瓜 1塊 / 1 winter melon
蔥 1條 / 1 stalk scallion
薑 2片 / 2 slices ginger
蒜頭 2瓣 / 2 cloves garlic
辣椒 1隻 / 1 chilli
生抽 2湯匙 / 2 tablespoons light soy sauce
味醂 2湯匙 / 2 tablespoons mirin
米酒 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon rice wine
水 150毫升 / 150ml water
鹽 少許 / salt, to taste
老抽 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce

做法 Method
1. 冬瓜洗淨切大件;蔥切蔥花;薑切條狀;蒜頭、辣椒切片。
Rinse the winter melon and cut into pieces; finely chop the scallions; cut the ginger into strips; slice the garlic and chilli. Set aside.

2. 凍鍋下油,開中火加熱,待有白煙升起,下薑絲、蒜片和蔥爆香。
Add oil to a cold pot and heat it over medium high heat. Add the ginger strips, garlic slices and scallions when smoke emerges. Sauté until aromatic.

3. 下冬瓜翻炒,加入生抽、味醂和米酒拌炒。
Add the winter melon and stir-fry. Add light soy sauce, mirin and rice wine. Stir well.

4. 加入150毫升水,蓋上鍋蓋,用中火煮至氣閥門跳動後轉細火,煮約25分鐘,煮時保持氣閥門跳動。
Add 150ml water and put on the lid, cook it over medium heat. When the Vapo-valve starts to click, turn to low heat. Cook for 25 minutes. Keep the valve clicking while cooking.

5. 打開鍋蓋,加少許老抽上色、鹽調味。
Open the lid, add colour with dark soy sauce and season with salt.

6. 熄火後,撒上青蔥和辣椒,趁熱享用!
Turn off the heat and sprinkle with chopped scallions and chilli. Serve hot!

Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster沙朗大師

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