30いいね 1231回再生

I Took 2 Months Off And This Is What Happened

After my bodybuilding show in June, I had a plan...and then life happened. So that plan got scrapped and a new plan was made which was...to take a break. So now that that break is about over, where do things sit now and what would I go back and change?

Read about coaching w/Darin:

Check out Hypertrophy University:

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Coming clean/recap
1:55 - Allowing priorities to shift
3:50 - First steps back to reality
4:35 - What I WAS doing
6:20 - Current "training"
8:44 - Future plans?
10:04 - Before & after videos - yikes!

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Check out my channel page for more videos!

Online coaching and contest prep with Darin - fivestarrphysique.com/contest-prep-coaching/

Full and detailed workout plans are available NOW! - fivestarrphysique.com/bodybuilding-workout-program…

Apparel and swag! - fivestarrphysique.com/shop/

#Bodybuilding #contestprep #competitionprep #bodybuildingvlog