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When Should You Euthanize Your Dog for Aggression?

When should a dog be euthanized for aggression? Are some dogs dangerous enough that they must be put to sleep?

As trainers who are called in on aggression issues all the time this is a topic that we deal with frequently. Although most aggression cases can be fixed, there are times that due to the dog, the family or the situation itself euthanasia is the right choice. Whether you call it euthanasia, putting the dog down or putting them to sleep, this is a tough choice that is hard on the entire family.

Rehoming a dog can be a great option for some aggression cases, but not for others. If your dog has resource guarding issues and you have a baby in the home then rehoming could work extremely well. On the flip side, if you have a large aggressive dog that has attacked new people, finding the right home to continue his training can be difficult or impossible.

Follow our advice in the video to think through how much of a danger your dog is to yourself and others and then consider all of your options.

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