BCAF, Caixin Video & Audio, and CX Creative launched “NEW VOICE: Emerging artists in China” introducing one vigorous artist each week to support fresh and creative thoughts in the art world.
This week with a recommendation from Director, ZOU Shuang, “NEW VOICE” interviewed CHEN Si’an, a writer and theater maker who focuses the themes not only in the theaters but also in the communities. She quitted
Her job at 26 years old. For ten years she has published four fictional books and directed 3 theater productions. Her story of independent art making has just started.
陈思安本科在南开大学读法律,大学毕业后,先后在公职单位和无国界医生组织工作,业余投身写作、戏剧。26岁那一年,她毅然辞去工作,专心写作、排戏。“有一天早上醒来,就觉得干吧,后悔再说,走到穷途末路再想办法,还是要走这一步。” 十年过去了,她一直在耕耘,出版了《接下来,我问,你答》《冒牌人生》《活食》《体内火焰》等多部短篇小说集,导演了戏剧作品《吃火》《随黄公望游富春山》《凡人之梦》,创办了“声嚣”剧读节。个人的独立创作之路慢慢铺开。