302いいね 2215回再生


KONBANWAN! I'm Shiki Miyoshino! It's a real treat to meet you all!

All treats are super appreciated!!
Terms: by donating to my streamlabs, you agree to not file a chargeback


Please follow these rules!! Or they'll send you to the pound!

Be kind to me! If you can't say anything nice, please don't say anything at all! If you don't like something about my stream, please don't mention it and announce your leave, just leave quietly! Please leave your concerns to my email: mshiki.contact@gmail.com
Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll, or argue with one another.
Do not engage with spammers or trolls. Please block and report any problematic messages.
Do not distribute other people’s private information.
DO NOT BACKSEAT UNLESS I SPECIFICALLY ASK "CHAT" FOR HELP. THIS GOES FOR ANY KIND OF STREAM!! Do not backseat my gameplay, handcam cooking, karaoke etc. Unless you akasupa :3 then you can backseat!
Please stay on topic.
Behavior such as guilting me into doing or saying specific things on stream IS BAD!! Do not use donations to try and persuade or guilt me into doing things either! Requests are only okay if they are a part of a specific event!
Do not mention numbers (unless we are celebrating a milestone) Mentioning numbers (views, subscribers, concurrents, etc.) will be viewed as off topic.
Please do not say you are only here for me if I am doing a collab or sponsored watchalong! It is rude to the other people involved! Please be kind to my collaborators and friends in general!
For outside of streams: Please keep thing on topic while replying to tweets and keep things in the proper tags! Please do not pressure me to look at tags thru chat or social media! Please send me an email instead about any inquiries, questions, and the like! My email is mshiki.contact@gmail.com
Please don’t mention other streamers in chat unless they’re brought up during the stream by ME. Similarly, don’t bring me up in other streamers’ chat unless given permission. Do not compare streamers in my chat.
There is a time and place for everything. Streamers and their chat are not your therapists. (This does not include just stating you've had a bad day. Just be mindful of the uncomfortable situations you can put people in by getting too deep in negativity.)

Chat widget: www.etsy.com/shop/vryhoth?ref=l2-about-shopname&fr…
BGM: dova-s.jp/bgm/play11947.html
BG: @Destydoge
Beach credit list:





Shiki snapped gif:

BG: Usanekomemory / vtem

Other BGM: Dova Syndrome

#ENVtuber #ShikiMiyoshino