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ThinkorSwim is the best free stock trading platform for beginner traders. It allows for fast trade execution with zero commissions as well as zero annual fee. It provides full charting software for full technical analysis with 100's of built in trading indicators as well as the ability to build scanners to find stocks to trade.
It also allows for the automation of your trading backtesting as well as the ability to create custom studies, custom scanners and custom trading strategies using ThinkorSwims proprietary coding language called ThinkScript. This video is a full tutorial for beginners to learn how to code using ThinkScript which will allow you to build these automated strategies and custom scanners and trading indicators.
0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Custom Studies
9:28 - Custom Strategies
29:51 - Custom Scanners
35:54 - How to Import Custom Codes
#TreydingStocks #Stocks #ThinkorSwim