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Da Borken Toof Tribe - Kannon Big Gun from Kromlech #orks #orks40k #paintingminiatures

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Dread Waaagh Gaming: youtube.com/m/c/DreadWaaaghGaming

The Hobby Git:    / @thehobbygit281  

The Drunken Ork: youtube.com/c/TheDrunkenOrk

Essex Boyz: youtube.com/user/10cwebb

Rivetz n Dakka:    / @rivetzndakka1519  

RoxyDaRiveter:    / @glamour_smashed_face  

G The Hypersapien: youtube.com/c/GTheHypersapien

Da Gitman:    / @dagitman3634  

Da Pale Ork: youtube.com/c/DaPaleOrk

OrkStuff:    / @orkstuff5635