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[2022 Talk Talk Korea Contest] Award-winning Works – Travel (11)

Hello, this is Talk Talk Korea Contest!
We would like to introduce the previous award-winning works of the 2022 TalkTalkKorea Contest.

Topic : Travel
Title : Chilling at Namsan looking for our old lock and watching traditional performances
Name : Bettina
Country : Hungary

The winners have shared their unique and fascinating stories about Korea
Please check out other outstanding works that have received the award :)

Furthermore, the Talk Talk Korea 2023 contest has started, so please refer to the link below for more details!

#talktalkkorea #talktalkkoreacontest #talktalkkorea2023 #kpop #koreanfood #koreamusic #koreanbeauty #koreacontest #contestwinner #seoul #kocis #contest #awardwinningworks