english poem for kids | poem for kids | poem for kids in english | kids poem in english
Hi friends welcome to our you tube channel Classerna my channel is kids related video kids GK video sarkari job update video motivational video please support and subscribe my YouTube channel thank you.
About this video
Hello guys, in this video I have taught you three English poems, the names of these poems are Monkey, thank you God, clap clap clap.
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poem rhymes in english
poem rhymes nursery
poem rhymes nursery class
english chora baby
children poem in english
english poem english poem
Rhymes for children
Nursery rhymes for kids
Nursery Bangla rhymes
Bengali kids poem
Nursery rhymes
ছোটদের বাংলা কবিতা
Bengali children rhymes
Bengali rhymes song
Bengali kids rhymes
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