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The Top Anime Guide to YANDERE

Ever wanted to date a Yandere? Don't, I care about you. This is how to survive a Yandere encounter, along with other useless facts that come with Yandere.

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Thank You to:
James Feng
Daniel Nachreiner
Lui Martinez
Anonymous Chicken
Michael York
Dakota Shepherd
Brandon Dirk
Hamad Almemari
Evelyn Schütz
Derrick Becker
John Merritt
Robin Gacougnolle
Andrew Mclellan
Lecky Tu
Tayler Matchett
Black Percher
Eric Nguyen
Matthew Elliott
Nathan Best
Blair McNeal
Dylan Bloos
Cody Weible
Andy Sugiyama
Dylan Smith
David Shimshoni
Gabby Quattrone
Lewis Cox
Kyle (AnimeFlyz)
Ryan Smith