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【完整版】孝悌 | 將活命機會讓給弟弟後,男人意外被首富拯救逆天改命,多年後他回歸尋親,不孝弟弟竟將母親逼至絕境……#亲情 #热门短剧推荐#逆襲 #短劇

#白晶晶 #程昱鸿 #孝悌 #亲情 #伦理 #熱播短劇

【劇情簡介】黃秀英的兩個兒子身患遺傳性腎衰竭,好不容易籌集到錢,卻得知自己只能捐一個腎,救一個兒子。 善解人意的大兒子把唯一的活命機會留給弟弟後獨自離開,意外被富豪收養並治好了他的病。 十五年後,徐海成家立業,卻為了媳婦的弟弟還賭債,逼著老母親賣房子。 賣完房子無處可去的黃秀英無奈只能暫時在小兒子徐海家的地下室內蝸居,可誰知兒媳是個撫弟魔,因為弟弟要彩禮,便又打起了歪心思,想利用黃秀英去騙保,幫助弟弟籌集彩禮錢。 就在這時徐山和母親相見,也確信了眼前老人便是自己的親生母親,為了不刺激老人家,想著慢慢相認。 可就是這一決定差點讓二人天上人永隔。 老母親在兒媳一家的攛掇下發生意外,可因為違反交通規則被認定事故全責,不但沒有騙保成功,還攤上了一筆巨額醫藥費,在兒媳的一哭二鬧三上吊的逼迫下,不孝子小兒子想活活掐死自己的親生母親,以達到不出醫藥費的目的,就在黃秀英即將斷氣之際,大兒子徐山趕到了。

【Synopsis】Huang Xiuying's two sons suffer from hereditary kidney failure. After finally raising money, she found out that she could only donate one kidney to save one of her sons. The understanding eldest son left his only chance of survival to his younger brother and left alone. He was unexpectedly adopted by a wealthy man and cured of his illness. Fifteen years later, Xu Hai got married and started his own business, but he forced his old mother to sell the house to pay off gambling debts for his wife's younger brother. Huang Xiuying, who had sold her house and nowhere else to go, had no choice but to temporarily live in the basement of her youngest son Xu Hai's house. However, her daughter-in-law was a lover of her younger brother. Because her younger brother wanted a dowry, she had ulterior motives and wanted to use Huang Xiuying to cheat him out of his insurance and help him raise money for the dowry. At this moment, Xu Shan met his mother and was convinced that the old man in front of him was his biological mother. In order not to provoke the old man, he thought about slowly getting to know each other. But it was this decision that almost separated the two of them forever. Under the instigation of her daughter-in-law's family, the old mother had an accident and was found fully responsible for violating traffic rules. Not only did she fail to defraud insurance, but she also shared a huge amount of medical expenses. Under the pressure of her daughter-in-law's crying, arguing, and hanging, the unfilial son wanted to strangle his biological mother to death in order to avoid paying for medical expenses. Just as Huang Xiuying was about to die, his eldest son Xu Shan arrived.

▶欢迎订阅【青柠剧场】: ‪@ziyedj‬
#都市#男频#玄幻#短剧#热血#高清#都市#男频#玄幻#短剧#热血#高清#chinesedramaengsub#熱播短劇#Male frequency