3いいね 62回再生


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马山景区位于无锡市滨湖区,太湖西北端。马山,旧称“马迹山”,是楔入太湖中的半岛,其形酷似驰骋于云涛中的神马。《舆地纪胜》载:在州东太湖中,岩壁间有马迹隐然,世传秦始皇游幸马所践。意为传说秦始皇东巡会稽,在此留下神马足迹,马山之名由此而来。Mashan Scenic Area is located in Binhu District, Wuxi City, at the northwest end of Taihu Lake. Mashan, formerly known as "Maji Mountain", is a peninsula wedged into Taihu Lake, and its shape resembles a divine horse galloping in the clouds. "Yu Di Ji Sheng" records: In the Taihu Lake in the east of the state, there are hidden horse tracks between the rock walls, and it is said that Qin Shihuang's horse was on a tour. It means that the legend says that Qin Shihuang left the footprints of the divine horse here during his eastern tour to Kuaiji, and the name Mashan came from this.

🌟精品纪录片 Premium Documentaries 🌟
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✨邕江 - 广西南宁Yong Jiang River-Nanning✨ bit.ly/3TB9h3z
🦢黑脸琵鹭The Peopleless Village🦩 bit.ly/3TJIWR0

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💥 Tai'an Spring Festival Gala 山东泰安春晚 💥 bit.ly/3HnMm4H
✨ Yunnan Spring Festival Gala 云南省春晚 ✨ bit.ly/3XTCjuI
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🏮 中国节日系列Chinese Festival Series 🏮
🍭 河南卫视奇妙游 Henan TV"Wonderful Tour" bit.ly/3wfxjVG
🍭 舞千年 Dancing Millennium:乔振宇|徐明浩 bit.ly/3Id3xI7

🐼中国动画片 Chinese Animation 🐼
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⛷️《冰雪冬奥村 》 Winter Winner⛷️ bit.ly/4aabCIQ

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