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L2L RESPs Plus Ways to Save - with Karen Paul - April 26, 2022

Webinar Title: RESP's and other ways to save

Description: This workbook is about savings. You’ll look at ways of making the money you save grow over time. You’ll learn about registered savings plans to help you get ready for your future. Have kids? Then it’s important for you to know that there are registered savings plans to help you help your children with their future education.

Speaker: Karen Paul

Karen is the Indigenous Adult Learning and Literacy Program Coordinator for JEDI. She has been working with JEDI (Joint Economic Development Initiative) for the last five years.

In her role, she provides Indigenous Workplace Essential Skills, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Upskills for work, and Job Search Techniques Workshops to Indigenous Clients across New Brunswick to help them bridge the gap between where they are presently and in the workplace.

Karen holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems.