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No one had a good week (actually that's not true - Nintendo is crushing it).
Check out our deep dive look at how the game makers we spoke to view the current Xbox turbulence, and how it might influence their future plans to publish games on Xbox hardware. Freely available to all on our Patreon:
Animal Well review: • Austin strongly recommends: Animal We...
Homeworld 3 review: • Homeworld 3 - Review
If you're in Australia or NZ, don't forget to enter the Gigabyte Aorus PC giveaway:…
#ThisWeekInVideogames #helldivers2 #Playstation
News collation and run-sheet by Edmond T.
Written and voiced by Ralph P.
Edited by Stuart K and Austin B.
If you want to check out Arctic Eggs (or any other game I profile in the 'Put This On Your Radar segment) you can find a link to it on my Steam Curator page:…
If you want to check out the Friends Per Second Podcast, you can find all the links to it here:
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