The story of Square Inc. is the story of Jack Dorsey’s triumphant fight to the top. Square went up against Paypal, Intuit, Stripe, Chase, and every other payment brand of the time and somehow came out on top. Frankly, Jack Dorsey's Square is a beast. They've been a rapidly growing, constantly evolving, acquisition hungry thrill-fest since Square launched in 2009. Recently acquiring Jay-Z's Tidal, Crew and Afterpay: Square is showing signs of continued immense evolution to come. Square's Share price has skyrocketed from $9 on IPO day to around $250 a share these days: and many speculate that the run is far from over. So how did Square win?
Come along and explore this episode of Money Lore by Chris K. Daniels - The Rapid Growth of Jack Dorsey's Square Inc. - The Square FinTech Story
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