Shri Vighna Rajam Bhaje is one of the great compositions by Uttukadu Venkata Subbaiyer and set in Ragam Gambhiranattai and Talam Khandachapu .
Every time it’s a wonder filled experience to shoot in exotic locations like this one, but as eye pleasing and mind refreshing is to be there , it needs much effort to achieve the desired steps or to express the entire choreography fully.
Yes, it is important for us to mention the difficulties minus the fun part that we did over there.
From catching the beats to performing in full coordination becomes a task, unlike performing on wooden stage with correct lighting etc..
Posting the video on entering the new decade, with the thought of overcoming the problems that we faced , how consistent we were in past ,how strong our bond has become and much more.
{ PS : We just remember the things that we did a while ago!! }
We would like to thank our brother on this one…
Thank you so much on being there with us.
The moment we hear the song from Indian Raga, we knew we had to choreograph this !!
Hope you all love the video!!
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#bharanatyam #newyear #newdecade #lordganesh