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Innovate BC: Advancing Indigenous Major Projects + Net Zero with Angel Ransom Nov. 16, 2022

November 16th 2022
Title: Advancing Indigenous Major Projects and Working Toward Net Zero

Description: Presentation on who the First Nations Major Projects Coalition (FNMPC) is, and about some of the work FNMPC has accomplished over the last 5 years in relation to Indigenous economic reconciliation and impact assessment capacity development.

The environmental stewardship work is centered around capacity development and aims to increase effective Indigenous involvement in Impact Assessments, through Indigenous led standards, guidance, methods, and approaches that are collaborative in design.

In addition, helping our members advance their major projects is the core focus of the FNMPC’s service delivery. FNMPC’s technical team is active in supporting our member communities in opening doors for First Nations ownership and economic prosperity by providing technical assistance to our members at no cost.

Our work is centered on the following:

Access to capital by First Nations results in positive impacts in terms of investment in on-reserve infrastructure.
With long-term stable revenues provided by First Nations participation in major projects, there is potential to make real progress on closing the infrastructure gap.
The capacity support provided by the FNMPC is the key to unlocking First Nations participation in major projects.
Aiding our members with technical support as they pursue their interests in specific projects including the development of a hydroelectric facility, major transmission line, and pipeline projects.

Speaker: Angel Ransom

Angel Ransom is a member of the Nak’azdli Whut’en First Nation and part of the Kwun Ba Whut’en (Caribou) Clan. With a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Planning her skills, knowledge and experience include Indigenous land use planning, environmental/impact assessment and natural resource management.

Aside from being a principal to her consulting company, she is also the Senior VP, Environmental Services for the First Nations Major Projects Coalition. Angel currently serves as: A committee member on the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada’s Indigenous Advisory Committee (2nd term); A Director at Large on the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada Board (2nd term); and, a Director on the Planning Institute of British Columbia Board (1st term).

In addition, she served as an Adjunct Professor with the School of Environmental Planning at the University of Northern British Columbia from 2018-2021, and a Committee Member of the BC Environmental Assessment Office Indigenous Implementation Committee for the BC EA Revitalization process.

Some of her recent work include leading the development of the First Nations Major Projects Coalition’s ‘Major Projects Assessment Standard’ and ‘Guidance Appendices’ and ‘Guide to Effective Indigenous Involvement in Federal Impact Assessment’ and an 8-part video series.