0いいね 14回再生

真沒想到,核桃搭配紅棗放在鍋里煮一煮,解決了很多人的大煩惱【鵬鵬生活妙招 X 美食房】#核桃紅棗 #養生妙招 #家庭保健 #鵬鵬生活妙招 #健康飲品

I never thought that walnuts and red dates, cooked in a pot, would solve many people's big troubles [Pengpeng Life Tips x Food Room] #walnutreddates #healthtricks #familyhealth #pengpenglifetricks #healthydrinks

🌰 Walnuts and red dates, this seemingly ordinary combination, can actually solve many people's troubles by cooking! This simple and practical health drink is rich in nutrients, suitable for all ages, and can also help you improve your daily health problems. Hurry up and learn it! 💡

#walnuts and red dates
#health tips
#family health
#pengpeng life tips
#healthy drinks
#nutritional recipes
#traditional wisdom
#cooked walnuts and red dates
#natural remedies
#life tips

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