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Ceres Fauna lives in your walls

Bonk! Bonk! - Fauna lives in your walls, what is she gonna do in there? Being the kind of vtuber she is, likely sneeze, of course.

【Penumbra Overture】 You Are Trapped in a Cave With 10,000,000 Spiders and You Can't Pet the Dog
   • 【Penumbra Overture】 You Are Trapped i...  
[Feb 5, 2023]

Subscribe to Ceres Fauna!
Her Youtube: ‪@CeresFauna‬
Her Twitter: twitter.com/ceresfauna

#ceresfauna #faunline #faunaclips #hololiveEnglish #shorts #tskr #セレス・ファウナ
About me: My name is SentiEnt / SentientSapling and I sometimes make clips of Hololive member Ceres Fauna