67592いいね 1382154回再生

new light || meme || reupload

reupload discription:
if people would ask, the OG video got copyright claimed, which....i don't really care, imean....thats what happends when you vibe too hard to a copyrighted music 😂

unfortunately! my video also got shut down cuz of it, so after snooping for the new audio, i decided to settle on this version. hope it can bring the comfort as the vid with the OG audio have!! 😭💖


don't mind em just two of my comfort oc's vibing 😳

this was supposed to be uploaded 2 days ago, but i messed up tween pins and i had to start over again so ahaha aaaaaaaaAA

ALSO! sorry for being dead after the plush sales, lets just say....i've been doing/making something big.....two of em actually-


original:    • new light // original meme [Valentine...  
song used:    • John Mayer - New Light ♬Chiptune Cover♬   (👈 please don't go spamming "came from sir fluff" ! enjoy the music as it is!! ^^)

used: medibang paint, efter effects


PLEASE, DON'T use my animation in compliations,reviews mashups ect WITHOUT my permission!! *

you can contact me on

my twitter: twitter.com/sir_fluff_butts?s=09
my instagram: @sir_fluffbutts
my toyhouse: toyhou.se/sirfluffbutts

second channel:    / @dailyfluff  

business email: blackcat9909@naver.com

buy me tacos 😳