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療癒的音樂 優美的鋼琴曲 放鬆減壓!!【30分鐘】睡前、早上【Heather's Processional by William Ogmundson】

#療癒的音樂, #優美的鋼琴曲, #放鬆減壓


🎧Please support: William Ogmundson
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/user-642156514-369158346
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/5uDWJuVykK2j91dsIItMhG
Youtube:    / @williamogmundson  

William Ogmundson is a pianist, lyricist and EMMY-nominated composer. He has performed all over North America and Europe (including the Vatican) and released seven solo CDs to date. For more information, go to WilliamOgmundson.com and support him if you like the music :)
Heather's Processional by William Ogmundson: open.spotify.com/track/0qW0Ohz3aPlQXRfnGEIrsh

☑ This music was given a special license directly from the artists/composers.
☑All rights belong to their respective owners.
背景照 Background Source/Copyright: bit.ly/2sOVoos
Credits to: Irina Iriser
World Music Creation官方網站: worldmusiccreation.com/
FB粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com/WorldMusicCreation/
Twitter: twitter.com/WorldMusicCrea1

♪音樂發佈和上架 / Music Publication ♪ :
Soundcloud: bit.ly/2UKvcIR
Spotify (WMC Official Playlist): spoti.fi/2Vi2j6m
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