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蠔仔肉碎泡飯 Oysters and Pork Mince Rice Soup丨Prime-Living x Saladmaster(2023)

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蠔仔肉碎泡飯 Oysters and Pork Mince Rice Soup

材料 Ingredients
蠔仔 800克 / 800g small oysters
免治豬肉 250克 / 250g pork mince
白米 1杯 / 1 cup rice
冬菜 2湯匙 / 2 tablespoons Tianjin preserved vegetable
芹菜 1棵 / 1 stalk Chinese celery
芫茜 1棵 / 1 stalk coriander
蔥 1條 / 1 stalk scallion
薑 2片 / 2 slices ginger
大地魚粉 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon dried flounder fish powder
上湯 300毫升 / 300ml broth
水 1000毫升 / 1000ml water
胡椒粉 適量 / ground white pepper, to taste
魚露 少許 / fish sauce, to taste

豬肉醃料 Marinade for pork
生抽 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
紹興酒 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon Shaoxing wine
糖 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon sugar
生粉 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon cornstarch

做法 Method
1. 白米洗淨,將米及水以1:1比例加入煲內,開中火煮至氣閥門跳動,再轉至細火繼續煮飯,煮時要保持氣閥門跳動。煮飯時間為10分鐘,熄火後再焗10分鐘至收水,備用。
Rinse the rice and drain well. Put the rice and water in a ratio of 1:1 into a pot. Cook over medium heat until the Vapo-valve starts to click. Then cook over low heat and keep the valve clicking. Cook for 10 minutes in total. Turn off the heat. Keep the lid on and let it sit for another 10 minutes until the water is fully absorbed. Set aside.

2. 用網篩盛著蠔仔,撒上少許鹽及生粉,輕輕拌勻。
Put the oysters in a mesh sieve. Sprinkle with some salt and cornstarch and mix gently.

3. 用清水沖洗蠔仔至沒有生粉和黏液,這可讓蠔仔保持完整。
Rinse under running water until the cornstarch and the mucus are gone and not starchy. This helps to keep the oysters in good shape.

4. 煲一鍋水,水滾加入少許酒及鹽,將蠔仔略汆水,盛起瀝乾備用。
Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add a little cooking wine and salt. Add and blanch the oysters. Drain well and set aside.

5. 免治豬肉加入醃料醃30分鐘。
Add the marinade to the pork mince and sit for 30 minutes.

6. 冬菜用水浸10分鐘,再揸出多餘水份,備用。
Soak the preserved vegetable with water for 10 minutes, squeeze out the excess water for later use.

7. 薑切絲;芫荽和芹菜切碎;蔥切粒。
Shred the ginger, finely chop the coriander and Chinese celery, dice the scallion.

8. 下少許油落鍋,開中火加熱,下薑絲和冬菜爆香。
Add a little oil to a pot and heat it over medium heat. Add and sauté the ginger and preserved vegetable until aromatic.

9. 加入上湯、水煮滾,蓋上鍋蓋煲5分鐘。
Add the broth, water and bring it to a boil. Put on the lid and cook for 5 minutes.

10. 加入大地魚粉和肉碎煮5分鐘。
Add fish powder, the pork mince and cook for 5 minutes.

11. 加入飯、魚露,再加入蠔仔煮2分鐘,加上芫茜芹菜碎、蔥花及胡椒粉調味,完成。
Add the rice, fish sauce and oysters, then cook for 2 minutes. At last, add the chopped coriander, Chinese celery and scallion, and season with ground white pepper. Serve hot!

Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster沙朗大師

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