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How to increase the vibration of your food for healing

Eating high vibrational food is helpful for your healing journey but if you find yourself eating something less than ideal you can raise the vibration with your intention, chakras and words.

So, what is high vibrational? Think of it as a spectrum, where the high vibration is of high frequency, which is true for anything. It could be thoughts, it could be feelings, it could be, in this case, food. And so when you’re thinking like higher vibrational, you’re thinking like more life, more love, it’s more positive. And then the opposite, on the lower end of the spectrum, so something that would be lower vibrational would have less life, it would have less truth. It would be less loving and more kind of like, not necessarily fear-based because it’s food-related, it would be less loving and more kind of like, not necessarily fear based because it’s food related, but at the organism level, that probably is true. It’s just it’s a lower energy and it tends to be, it just has less life force in it.

Let me know if you’ll try this!
#healingfoods #chakrahealing #highvibrational #highvibrationalfoods #healingjourney #healingprayer #howtohealyourselfwithenergy

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Sarah Hagstrom is a leader with a background in health coaching, spiritual teaching, and online business mentorship. She is the co-founder of The Inner Flow Co.

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