As long-term investors, we have to manage our portfolios in every environment. In recessions, we can turn to defensive investing.
Our Investing 101 series is here to help give you the knowledge you need to feel empowered to build wealth in the stock market.
⌚ Timestamps:
In this latest video of the series, we explain:
0:00 - What is defensive investing?
1:38 - Types of stocks to avoid in recession
3:24 - Five industries best suited for defensive investing
5:40 - Specific defensive investing strategies
🍿 Enjoyed the video? There’s more:
1. • What is a bear market?
2. • How to pick recession-resistant stocks?
3. • Managе your portfolio with Trading 21...
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When investing, your capital is at risk. Investments can fall and rise and you may get back less than you invested. The information contained within the video was correct at the time of recording but may have since change