119いいね 30188回再生

【大阪】年末年始の帰省やご挨拶に喜ばれる手土産  土産・グルメ/菓菓かはん/粟玄/カカオティエゴカン/與兵衛 桃林堂/Gelsomina (ジェルソミーナ)

Thank you for watching.

Gifts are essential for returning home for the New Year holidays, greetings, and gatherings.
I will introduce items that will be well received.

I have selected a wide range of genres, from Japanese sweets to Western sweets.

I hope this will be helpful for your shopping.

I will continue to introduce many gifts and delicious gourmet food, so
it would be encouraging if you could subscribe to my channel and support me.
   / @gourmetstroll  

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