1986いいね 47757回再生

It's all GONE WRONG! | Painting a Black Templars Army | WARHAMMER 40k | SPACE MARINES

We kick off the painting of our new Black Templars army project and things do not go as planned.....

#paintingwarhammer #spacemarines #blacktemplars

Miniature Painting Made Easy - www.kickstarter.com/projects/colorfulkrakenstudio/…

NIGHTSHIFT -    / @nightshiftscalemodels  

Bonding Studs - www.zinge.co.uk/

Paints Used:

GW - Corvus Black
GW - Eshin Grey
GW - Mechanicus Standard Grey
GW - Barak Nar Burgundy
GW - Karak Stone
GW - Rakarth Flesh
GW - Dark Angels Green
GW - Runelord Brass
GW - Skullcrusher Brass
VMC - US Olive Drab
VMC - Black
VMC - White
Tamiya - Flat White XF2
S75 - Decayed Metal

GW: Games Workshop
VMC: Vallejo model colour
VMA: Vallejo model air
VGC: Vallejo game colour
VGA: Vallejo game air
VMCS: Vallejo metal colour series
S75: Scale 75
AK: AK Interactive
W&N: Winsor & Newton

PATREON - www.patreon.com/cultofpaint
COMMISSIONS - www.cultofpaint.com/commissions
AIRBRUSHES & Affiliate link - elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/airbru…
DISCORD - discord.gg/z4pYZqdkxE
WEBSITE - www.cultofpaint.com/

Wet Palette used - elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/redgra…

Paint brushes used - elementgames.co.uk/the-army-painter/toolsap/artis-…


Readers! Do You Read by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: chriszabriskie.com/reappear/
Artist: chriszabriskie.com/s