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FULL SLATE of Animatronics Coming to Tiana's Bayou Adventure! - Disney News

In this Breaking Disney News Update, Brayden covers the release of dozens of minutes of footage of animatronics under development at Walt Disney Imagineering for the Tiana's Bayou Adventure ride coming to Disneyland and Walt Disney World! This is Mickey Views News, your source for Disney News!

WATCH "We Call it Imagineering" Episode 1:    • We Call It Imagineering | Audio-Anima...  

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00:00 Introduction
00:25 New Imagineering Series
02:13 New Tiana Animatronics
04:22 Giant Alligator Animatronic
05:39 Full Animatronic List
06:51 Insane Programming Work
07:50 Bears Animatronic Upgrades
10:04 Beyond Big Thunder Teaser
11:04 The Pros
13:13 Possible Cons
15:11 The Lynch Pin
16:58 Conclusion

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Directed By: Brayden
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