I will... become myself(?) I've been hooked on reading the light novel these days-
Thanks to April for recommending this song!
Please enjoy with headphones and in 1080p for the best experience:)
✦Vox/Mix/Video: Hana Lisadell ❖ リサデルハナ
✦Original: Ryokuoushoku Shakai / Be a flower (Official Video)
• 緑黄色社会『花になって』Official Video / Ryokuous...
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✦hanachantan fanclub member shoutouts:
Faix, pattar, Dandan, Kisa, Serafufufu, Vallota, Lance, Hexyami, Bum
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3.321 HANATABA花束's
Thank you for always supporting me and my works!
My goal is to make everyone's day just a little bit brighter:)
Singing with love and flowers always~
#UTAHIME花 #緑黄色社会 #花になって