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How to Draw Cartoon People? (from Reference)

🎨 My 100 Day Program to Learn Drawing and Tell Stories with your Art in 30 Mins/day: keshart.in/drawing-camp

📚 My (Free) How to Draw Cartoon Faces Guidebook: keshart.in/cartooning-faces/

📍My Faces Pinterest Board: pin.it/2k3D65wC8

🔧 A List of all the Tools I Use: keshart.in/tools


📹 PART 2 - How to Cartoon People's Bodies? :    • How to Draw Cartoon People? (from Ref...  



Struggling with learning how to draw people/faces as cartoons? Well you can do that simply by learning to break down the process into 5 simple steps.

That's what this video is about.
I've found it to be a "Fundamental Exercise" that has helped me improve my art.

It made me
Draw better
See better
Understand the world around me better.

One key practice will help you open your eyes to the world of art.

So watch the full vid